East Palo Alto Blues Festival

August 20th and 21st, 2022, noon to 7pm, at Bell Street Park.

The Chosen Wonders

Many blues greats were from the East Palo Alto area. Joe Lewis Walker, who now is one of the most popular artists on the blues scene and was raised with Patrick Brock.

Dee Dee Simon

Fillmore Slim

Guitar Mac

Ian Knighton

Ira Walker

J C Smith

Johnny Rawls

Karl Bracy

Mr. Brock wanted the at-risk youth of the local community to understand the roots of Rap and Hip Hop music that they are so fond of. We're very fortunate in that Sue Brock is keeping Patrick's vision alive for a better community.

Ladee Chico

Lenny Williams

Mike B

Oakland Blues Divas

Ray Starr

The East Palo Alto Blues Festival is one of the most popular Blues Festivals on the west coast, created and headed up by the late great Patrick Brock, whose vision was to make sure that his community could be proud of their contribution to the blues world.

Remembering James

Sunny Blue Bland


Terrible Tom Bowden

West Coast Blues Society

Will Roc Project

Willie G